Capability Based Recruitment
Hiring the right person, at the right time, for the right job is an essential outcome for recruitment.
Capability based recruitment involves not just finding suitable candidates for a specific position, but also evaluating their potential to make valuable contributions towards achieving strategic objectives.
By understanding the development needs of new hires, companies can accelerate learning and development, cultivate a diverse and high-performing team that adapts to changing business needs, and stay ahead of the competition through innovation. This approach streamlines the process and enables companies to achieve their goals more efficiently.
Duration :
People Required :
2 Working Days
HR Executive, Managers & Relevant Team Members
Understand how to implement and manage a Syncap capability based recruitment strategy
How to incorporate capability requirements into job descriptions
Established capability based scoring and interview questions (up to 3 roles)
Fully functional capability based recruitment strategy
Capability scorecards and mastercards have been developed